Tuesday, May 4, 2010


We continued our Easter celebrations with a few more Easter egg hunts and coloring eggs. We spent some time with Nana and Papa on Saturday for the neighborhood hunt and Sunday we went to church after a quick peak at the Easter basket. Mommy coordinated collecting candy and eggs and the hunt for the three services we had at LifePoint preschool. Since I had to be there all three hours, Kyndal had a total of 6 hunts this year!

To be honest when we went to bed Saturday night I could barely choke out the words that the Easter bunny was going to bring her a basket. There are so many activities that these children have around Easter that do not reinforce the true meaning of Easter and the death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and how he died on the cross to save us, that I just had issues with the Easter Bunny. I am thrilled that through our teaching, her school, and church Kyndal could tell you the story of Easter in more detail than I thought a 3 year old could. I am not sure if I will talk about the Easter Bunny for future Easters, maybe it is time for some new traditions. I think because Kyndal has such a greater understanding of all things, I am just getting more cautious about what we tell her and what she learns as truth.

Enjoy the pics....

Neighborhood Hunt

A little Egg Toss with Daddy. Daddy got hit with the Egg, LOL... Mommy was just helping :)

Egg Coloring

This one is for Baby Brother

Flipflops in my Easter Basket? So Silly!

Church Hunt

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