Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2 ears infected, 2 houses, and 1 toddler bed

Well today has been quite a day. It started off with a visit to Kyndal's doctor and she has a double ear infection.... AGAIN. If her fluid isn't gone it 2 weeks or she has one more during the summer it will be off to an ENT. I am glad that she is on antibiotics and will soon be back to her happy normal self.

Later this afternoon we closed on our new house, so we now have 2 houses! We pray that the old one will sell soon. We went up to the new house and took a couple of things to the new house. Our friends Robin and Cody came to see the new place and brought us the cute banner.

Daddy and Kyndal

Kyndal hanging out on the steps
Mastering climbing the steps. She has a ton of steps at the new house and loves them!

Waiting for Daddy to unlock the front door so that we can get in.

Us holding our banner. We borrowed it for when Robin and Cody close on their very first house in a couple of weeks.

Lastly, Kyndal has graduated to a toddler bed. She slept in one for the first time at her Nana's house so we decided it was time to set hers up here. She has done so great, goes down for naps and to sleep at night just like she does in her crib. Even with the broken up sleep due to her ear infections, she has been staying put all night and gets up and walks into our room in the morning. Here is a pic of her sleeping in the toddler bed at Nana's house. I haven't got any pictures of her in the one here at home, but will soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kyndal and the Caterpillar

Kyndal has become quite fond of the little furry guys, she finds them all over and brings them over to Mommy or Daddy. She says caterpiller or sometimes calls them bugs. At first her little fingers didn't quite know how not to squeeze them, but she it getting better about that. I also threw in another cute pic of Kyndal, she has been fighting a cold but is getting better.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One week from today

I called the Electric company to establish service at thew new house and I told them to have it in our name on April 30th, the day we close. She confirmed and said it would be in our name "ONE WEEK FROM TODAY", I can't believe it. It seems to have happened very quickly. So much to do!

I haven't posted a lot about Kyndal so here are a few pics from the other day. Our little girly girl who loves babies and purses and hats can also get dirty! She has really surprised us by digging in the dirt, finding caterpillars, and holding worms that Mommy digs up out of the flower bed. Here is proof, this particular day she decided to taste the dirt.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Smyrna Airshow

I love this pic of Kyndal, it is so funny.

A picture I managed to get with my wimpy shorter zoom lens, good thing they came pretty close to us.

Saturday we braved the cooler weather and went to the Smyrna Airshow, Bret and I haven't been since 2000 a couple of years before we were married. Kyndal loved the airplanes. Mommy learned a few lessons too, I felt totally unprepared.... #1 Bring sunscreen, #2 Bring the longer zoom lens (note to self...the planes will be high in the air you dummy) #3 Bring a blanket to spread out and sit on (we tried to do this but couldn't find the one we wanted and left with-out one) We had a blast dispite all of those things and we got to see some great tricks, great planes (no I still have no idea what any of them are, although Bret does), we also got to see the U.S. Navy Blue Angels fly. We have been seeing them practice all week and we got to see them do all of their tricks at the show, they were awesome!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Two milestones this week and a funny word

Kyndal is growing up so fast and learns new words every day, however she hit two milestones this week that I am excited about (Not actual milestones, but are milestones to Mommy and Daddy). First she learned to say her own name, she really had no interest in saying it before now and she knew all of her friends names. Now she calls herself "Tyndal" with a "T", it is so cute. She also learned how to get on the couch all by herself, FINALLY! I was really get worn out by "up, up, up!", you know because that only lasts a few seconds and she was down only to want up a few seconds later. Now she can do it HERSELF! Now for the funny word.... we have been playing outside a lot and she has been picking grass and playing with rocks and dirt. She was bringing Mommy grass yesterday and proudly proclaiming "Ass" as she would place it in my hand. We showed Daddy this when he came home and he was really stressing the Graaa.... part of Grass, but she still leaves off that "GR".

Here are a few pictures from yesterday, her dress matches her climbing cube!

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Our new house

So many of you know that Bret and I are buying a new house. We decided that the time has come that we need more space. Kyndal will be 2 before we know it, and she really needs a bigger room. With a growing girl and a growing business it was inevitable. It was a very hard decision for us for two reasons... One is that we currently do not have a mortgage payment, we own our house outright; Two is that our current house holds very special memories for us. This house was my house before Bret and I got married, we were just newly dating when I bought it and Bret was the first to see it. Bret also proposed to me in this house, he surprised me by being here when I got off of work one Monday. We had our first child while living in this house, it is the only house Kyndal has ever know. Our Kitty lived and died here in this house. We feel that we will make even more memories in our new house, and that another chapter is beginning.

Here is the picture of the outside of our new house, and that isn't our favorite part.

Aune Family Photos

While we were in Texas we had family photos done, with the whole Aune family.

You can view the proofs on-line Click Here The password is Katherine

Let us know what you think. I think we got some good ones. It is nice to get some picture with me in them!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Texas Pictures Part 3

We got ready Sunday morning to attend Easter services. Kyndal learned to play her Grandma's piano while we werer there. She is wearing the hat that Aunt Linda bought her here.

Off for church wearing the cute bunny coat that Nana McConaha bought for her.

And that's all folks.

Texas Pictures Part Two

Another Easter Egg pic, finding one that is good and hidden

Taking a stroll with Grandpa
The Liberator crew
Daddy and Kyndal
Katherine and Kyndal checking out the Liberator up close
The non-crew three of us still got to walk through. It was quite a task walking over those catwalks with Kyndal in tow and a diaper bag and purse. This pic is too funny!

The gang, minus me (the way I like it).
The flight taking off.
Kyndal taking a picture of Daddy taking off in the plane, notice the camera position, I guess I don't have her trained correctly.
Enjoying a lolly inside while they flew
The flight coming in for a landing.
Coming back, all smiles.

Check out Daddy's blog for a couple of shots from inside the flight and more details about it.