Friday, April 2, 2010

Easter Celebration at School

Kyndal had another Easter celebration at school yesterday. We decided to make Easter Bunny Cupcakes for the kiddos. Kyndal helped me make these.

I came to see her Easter Egg Hunt at school. The class made their own buckets out of milk cartons and I think they are adorable!

At the end of the day the kids participated in a balloon launch to celebrate our resurrected Christ. Kyndal is the one in the middle with the pink balloon (of course). They said their Bible Verse "Jesus is Alive" as they released their balloon. I can't tell you enough what a great job the school did at explaining what Easter is about. Kyndal told me many details about what she learned at chapel that day.... she even told me about the disciples and that is certainly not a word I knew at 3.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Spring Break

Last week Kyndal was on Spring Break.... we had a few nice warm days and a few rainy cold days but we still mananged to have several activities. It was nice to spend a whole week with her!
We made a trip to the zoo on a nicer day. She was excited to see the Lorakeets again even though she was scared of them last time. She did great until one landed on her head. Wish I had a picture of me with one on my head trying to get the one on Kyndal's head off, LOL!

We met some friends at the bounce place, look how excited she was that her friends were coming.

We also went to Chick-fil-a after the bounce place and got to have a behind the scenes look! We love our Chick-fil-a.

Saturday we went on her first egg hunt of the season, the Town Of Smyrna. It was CRAZY there and Kyndal was a little overwhelmed. She managed to get quite a bit of candy, but had more enjoyment of hunting pine cones so she can make a "Pine Cone Craft". This girl is all into her crafts. She also got to visit the firetruck while we were there.

Sunday we were off to church and I tried to get a picture of her in her new outfit, made just for her. It was a lot colder on Sunday and she really wouldn't stand for a pic though :(